Pedal Prix


Pedal Prix is a fantastic experience that requires commitment to training – and includes behavioural, attitude and work-related goals for a major part of the year.

Training involves students undertaking a daily fitness program before school, designed to prepare them for the gruelling races, comprised of:

  • a 10 minute run around school oval twice a week
  • a fitness circuit in school hall twice a week
  • sprint training once a week


To ensure that all riders are physically prepared, we include extra cycling sessions at lunch times with a combination of short and long cycling sessions outside school grounds.

Cyclists will be carefully supervised at all times and must have their bikes and helmets at school each day.

Students who travel to school by bus can store their bikes at school overnight. Students who live in town would be expected to ride each day (weather permitting) as part of their fitness program.

Parents must ensure that students’ bikes are roadworthy and helmets are in good condition and fit well. Students are also required to use their bike helmets when riding in the Pedal Prix events.


All riders require a t-shirt – the jumper is optional. The shirt and jumper feature Naracoorte Primary School and our team name Park Terrace Pedallers in our school colours with a logo. To check sizes, you will find examples of the t-shirts and jumpers at school.

Shirts and jumpers are available for any team member, parents and siblings.If you have questions, please contact Rob Sandercock at the school.


The school’s Pedal Prix involvement began in 2006 with a second-hand vehicle purchased and modified to compete in the Murray Bridge 24-hour event.

In 2006, sixty-two Year 6 students were involved in all aspects of the Pedal Prix from riding to media and PR, catering, mechanics and logistics. Due to the success of the 2006 program and the massive interest from both students and community, the program has grown and is currently available to all Year 6 students. With the support of the Lions’ Club, a second vehicle was bought in 2007, so two teams are now entered each year. This higher tech vehicle brought our school a Top 10 finish in its very first event.

A third vehicle was privately purchased to support students going to high schools where no pedal prix program was available. Naracoorte High School has now joined the Pedal Prix program and runs its own car; most of the high school team are ex-NPS scholars. Strong parent and community support has been key to the success of this project.

An Information Meeting is held during Term 1. This is advertised in the newsletter and interested students take home notices about this meeting. The meeting provides staff, students and families the opportunity to talk about Pedal Prix, answer any questions and start planning for the year.